Red cabbage (Cabbage xanthoploctan) is a common type of cabbage and called Blaukraut in German. Its leaves are large, round, and purple-red. But the color changes according to the environment, because of a certain pigment belonging to anthocyanin. In this coloring, it resembles the cucumber. In short, besides its color variations, it has other important benefits for human consumption.
Many scientists agree that anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants. They help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, they offer a considerable number of health benefits for us. When cooked or raw, anthocyanins have several benefits. Some of them are:
* Boosts immunity system. When it comes to natural nutrition, antioxidants are one of the most important substances. When it comes to anthocyanins and their benefits, it can be said that red cabbage has a number of important substances, which can boost our immune system, strengthen our cells and improve our general health.
* Reduces risk of cancer. As we all know, antioxidants can fight many types of cancers. Studies show that in mice, high amounts of anthocyanin can reduce the mice's spontaneous tumor growth. It can also prevent the formation of new blood vessels, especially in tumors. When cooking on a stove at low temperature, it helps to prevent damage of blood vessels. And when eaten raw, it helps to prevent heart disease and stroke.
* It prevents digestive problems. Since the cabbage contains a lot of iron, it helps to reduce blood loss during a gastric bypass operation. It also helps to prevent damage of the small intestine during an ulcer. Studies suggest that cabbage can help to prevent ulcers by inhibiting the production and release of histamines.
* Reduces blood pressure. Cabbage also contains a large amount of silica. Silica reduces the risk of blood clots and increases the thickness of the blood vessel walls. Thus, silica is believed to have beneficial effects on high blood pressure. It also reduces cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health. There are many studies on this topic and the results are impressive.
Of course, you cannot eat red cabbage every day and it's not appropriate for everyone. The benefits described above are only the start of its wonderful health benefits. If you decide to eat red cabbage, make sure to choose the healthiest type. Stay away from the sprouts and the greens, as these parts contain unwanted chemicals. And before buying, always make sure to read the ingredients label and check for any artificial colors or chemicals.
You will be able to enjoy all the great benefits of red cabbage once you make it yourself at home. All you need is a few household ingredients and a good sense of adventure. So go ahead, make your own!
To enjoy the health benefits of cabbage, make sure you buy fresh and young leaves. Cabbage gets its color from the pigment beta-carotene that's found in the plant. The healthier the leaves are, the more beta-carotene they contain and the higher their antioxidant value.
The next step is to prepare the recipe. You can do it quickly using a food processor or a fine knife. However, if you prefer, you can make the red cabbage more nutritious by boiling it. Just add 2 cups of water, a quarter cup of celery stalks, chopped carrots and chopped parsley and boil it until the vegetables are softened.
For the taste, try cooking the red cabbage with white wine, some salt, a quarter teaspoon of ground pepper, sage, and a quarter teaspoon of dried oregano. You can also make a big batch of red cabbage and freeze it for several days. Thaw it and drain off the liquid at room temperature. When ready to cook it, mix it with oil and heat it up. Add any additional spices you want, like garlic or Rosemary.
In order to reap the maximum health benefits, make sure that you eat this vegetable on a regular basis. It has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and natural fibers. Furthermore, it helps you lose weight because of the high fiber content. Red cabbage is truly a portion of wonderful healthy food that's full of nutritional value.