Naseberry is a family of citrus fruits. It was originally grown in India. The fruit-bearing of this name has been recorded since the 7th century. Indian literature contains references to its medicinal and curative properties. It was considered the national fruit of British India. Some royal rulers of that era consumed the fruit as an indispensable part of their diet.
Naseberry is a large, sour juicy yellow fruit with a smooth texture and an intense flavor. Its size is one to two inches across with an oval shape and it has a mildly tart taste. The fruit may be skinless or in partial skin with a greenish hue. The fruit has an intensely sweet flavor, which makes it an excellent fit as an ingredient for fruit salads, juices, desserts, and drinks.
Manilkara azadirnaga, commonly referred to as raspberry, sapodilla, or nispero, is a broad, long-living, evergreen tree native to central Mexico, northern Central America, and the Caribbean Sea. An equally common natural occurrence is at coastal Yucatán, Mexico, where it is now the dominant plant species. The tree bears many fruits, ranging from small purple to lemon-saturated nectarines to sour orange fruits, and seeds are also available. A variety of fruits can be used to create sweet, sour, salty and herbal teas as well as jams, jellies, custards, and pickles. Naseberry is also a rich source of calcium, iron, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C and E and is said to have a diuretic effect on the kidneys.
In addition to its many health benefits, the fruit of the Naseberry tree is also used in the culinary arts. Naseberry is often added to tortillas, salads, served alone as a puree, sprinkled over rice, grilled or served on top of baked potatoes, and as a garnish on many Mexican dishes. Naseberry is also a popular addition to many Asian dishes, especially in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. Often, Asian chefs will substitute dried fruit (especially agave nectar) for the fruit used in cooking. Naseberry can be used as a substitute for sugar when cooking brown rice or any other grain that would normally need sugar to bring out its flavor.
Naseberry is considered a powerful antioxidant and is believed to have cancer-fighting properties. It appears to be effective against viruses and bacteria and may be useful in treating HIV. It is believed to stimulate the immune system and may help increase the amount or vascularization of blood vessels. Naseberry is also used in the treatment of headaches, fatigue, depression, diabetes, asthma, digestive disorders, weak bones and muscles, joint pain, menstrual disorders, urinary disorders, menopausal and premenstrual syndrome, and ringing in the ears.
Naseberry contains a variety of flavonoids and polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants that help prevent damage to arterial walls, reduce free radical activity, and prevent cell damage and aging. These characteristics are believed to be the reason why raspberry juice is often recommended for high cholesterol and heart patients. The polyphenols found in raspberry help prevent atherosclerosis and promote cardiovascular health. Polyphenol antioxidants appear to have some anticancer activity. The juice of the raspberry increases the concentration of vitamin C in the body, another known anti-cancer agent.
As far as skincare goes, the polyphenols present in raspberry seem to be particularly helpful for dry skin. It has been reported to improve the moisture content of the skin by as much as 40%. Naseberry has also been shown to aid in the regeneration of collagen under the skin. Its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties have been studied recently. It has been shown to reduce the incidence of acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
In addition to its weight loss and skincare benefits, scientists are excited about naseberry's potential as a cancer preventive and anti-inflammatory agent. Preliminary evidence suggests that naseberry may also be effective in treating pancreatic cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, and bladder cancer. More research is needed to confirm these claims.