Mangosteen (cyanohydrins), also referred to as the purple mangosteen or the pearl mangosteen has been cultivated for centuries in tropical countries of Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Malaysia. Its botanical name is Argyreia Barbae, a term that refers to both the bark and the leaves of the tree. It is known from India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and the Philippines where it is often called 'milk thistle'. Its native location is unknown since widespread, ancient cultivation has resulted in it now being found in all of the places listed above.

Mangosteen is an extraordinary phytoalexin that stimulates cell growth. In humans, the effect of this hormone is similar to that of estrogen. However, unlike estrogen, which can affect the menstrual cycle and development of sperm, and male sexual development, this hormone has no known effects on fertility. It is also not known if the benefits of this phytoalexin extend beyond fertility. It has been hypothesized that the hormone may have some effect on the formation and function of red blood cells (RBCs), the growth and survival of cells within the body, and the production and release of other hormones.

While all of these are probable benefits of mangosteen on fertility, one of the strangest associations is with breast cancer. There are two types of cancer known to be stimulated by mangosteen: sarcomas and breast tumors. While the relationship between these two is not entirely clear, there are strong suggestive links between them. Mangosteen has been shown to reduce the size of breast tumors during treatment and to kill cancer cells in the process.

Some of the fruit benefits of mangosteen have been linked to its weight loss properties. Mangosteen was shown to suppress food appetite and to aid weight loss by increasing calorie consumption. Proponents of mangosteen have also claimed that it aids in controlling body fat by increasing the metabolic rate and reducing the storage of body fat.

The fruit compound of mangosteen also appears to have some anticancer activity. In animal studies, mangosteen has been shown to inhibit the growth of tumor cells. One of the factors that make up human cancer is the ability of certain cells to proliferate. By interfering with the proliferation of these cells, the anti-cancer activity of mangosteen is believed to be effective in the prevention and treatment of malignant melanoma, which is the most common form of skin cancer. In addition, the compound may inhibit the growth and spread of pancreatic cancer.

One of the most intriguing benefits of mangosteen is its potential as an antioxidant. As we know, antioxidants compounds neutralize damaging molecules, including those that come from the inside of our bodies. Mangosteen contains highly concentrated forms of the antioxidant vitamin A. While more research is needed to support the use of mangosteen as an antioxidant, there are a number of clinical trials that report significant improvements in a variety of oxidative stress disorders including cancer. These benefits make mangosteen another remarkable natural substance that we should welcome into our health regimen.

Another benefit of mangosteen is its effect on sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders. In previous years, it was widely thought that mangosteen had little benefit for those with sleep problems because it caused rapid eye movement (REMS). However, recent studies have shown that mangosteen slows the progress of REMS when taken at the recommended doses. While more work remains to be done, these results provide further evidence that this little green fruit is an exciting new natural remedy.

Mangosteen is undoubtedly a unique fruit that offers multiple health benefits. It is not, however, a miracle fruit. Like any other fruit, you will need to give it some time to take full benefit. Mangosteen is a powerful tool to aid in healthy living but like most tools, it only works well if used properly.