Many people are surprised to learn that managing pain using yoga is a possibility. After all, most conventional pain management medications are designed to alleviate the pain you are currently experiencing rather than to prevent or control it. But yoga has been used for thousands of years and has a lot to do with how we go about healing and dealing with pain. And while you may not be ready to practice yoga as your main form of exercise, it can certainly play an important part in helping you manage your pain.

First of all, yoga is known to help the mind and the bodywork more functionally together. So when you are stretching and strengthening muscles to relieve tension, you are helping to increase blood circulation to all parts of your body. This is a great way to boost energy levels and get rid of toxins that may be building up in your tissues. The more toxins you eliminate, the better your health will become.

It's also smart to use yoga when managing pain using other pain relievers. For instance, most over-the-counter and prescription anti-inflammatory medications work by reducing inflammation. And when you are actively stretching your muscles, you are encouraging them to remain limber. But when you do yoga, you are more likely to focus on the poses you are doing rather than on the pain you are feeling. If you focus on the poses, rather than the pain, you will find that the pain goes away. Stretching regularly also helps keep muscles limber, which is another great benefit of yoga.

And although yoga does a lot for managing pain using poses, you still need to make sure that you are following a good posture. While poses are very useful when it comes to easing tension, they should not be used to support chronic pain. You should be using them as an addition to your daily routine, never as a replacement. This can lead to injuries and discomfort.

And don't forget to take care of yourself. While yoga can help you relax and reduce stress, you are going to need to do some gentle stretching. Be sure to consult with your physician before starting any new exercise regimen. Remember that any good stretching program should not include any sudden movements or strain to the muscles. If you have any questions about which stretches are best for your particular condition, you should check with your doctor.

Managing pain using yoga also means getting plenty of rest. When your body is stretched and limber, it takes longer to adjust to being rested. However, too much rest may also be counterproductive, because the body becomes more prone to injury if it is rested too much. So it's important to find a balance between working out and resting properly.

And while yoga can be helpful in managing pain using yoga, you should also consider using other therapies along with it. Aromatherapy, for example, can be an excellent complementary therapy to massage. In fact, some practitioners recommend a certain type of aromatherapy that they call "yoga light". It has been shown to help lower back pain and promote relaxation. There are many different types of aromatherapy, including sandalwood and rose.

So whether you just need some relief from stiffness or have chronic pain, consider yoga. It can provide an excellent source of pain relief, without any serious side effects. You can do the poses in a low or even meditative setting. There's even a form of yoga called "hot yoga", which can be done in a hot room. This could provide some relief from sunburn or from the dry air in a desert climate.