If you're fighting a losing battle against the loss of hair, don't give up yet. It's important to know the cause of your condition before deciding on a treatment plan. Stop Hair Loss! guides you through what to look for when selecting a quality hair loss product, and explains which nutrients to take.

TWO. TRY TO RELAX. If stress is one of the reasons you're losing hair, try to reduce your daily load on yourself. Try meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or a quiet day at the beach. Specific nutrients that can help are magnesium, zinc, selenium, niacin, and beta carotene.

ONE. FINASTIDE. Finasteride is a prescription medication used to treat women with prostate cancer. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that continued use of finasteride may take several months to achieve the desired results. Although chronic condition sufferers may take a year or longer to slow their hair loss, most will notice an improvement within two months of beginning treatment with finasteride.

TWO. TRY TO CONDITION. Finasteride may not work for everyone; it may take time for hair follicles to form new cells in response to finasteride. Be sure to check with your doctor to see if finasteride will be appropriate for you, and also ask your doctor if you might want to try a low-dose, sustained-release tablet to further slow hair loss.

THREE. IF YOU HAVE A CHROSTATE COUPON: Certain chemicals and antibiotics used in chemotherapy may interfere with the body's ability to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria and fungi. If you're experiencing slow hair loss due to chemotherapy, see your doctor and ask him or her to prescribe alternative medicine, such as minoxidil or ketoconazole, which have been shown in studies to help people with chronic conditions like yours.

FOUR. BEAT THE IRRADIATION. If your losing hair because of stress, try to calm yourself down. Some experts say it's helpful to massage essential oils, such as lavender and clover, into the scalp. Others recommend meditation, as calming exercises can help you shift your focus from negative thoughts to positive ones.

FIVE. ADAPT IT WITH CRAZY BITS OF HELP. Finasteride and other treatments for androgenic alopecia are only helpful if they're accompanied by other healthy changes in your lifestyle. For instance, if you drink too much, make sure to get to bed early and take a moderate walk during the day. Or, if you smoke, quit, as both smoking and drinking increase the production of DHT.

SIX. TRY CAMELOTON. A chemical found in some commercial shampoos is called cammelotonic acid, and it's supposed to stimulate hair follicles to grow. In studies with animals, camelotonic acid appeared to aid men in their attempt to stop hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia, but women shouldn't take it.

SEVEN. COPING WITH COPE DESIGNS. Many people with alopecia areata and/or slow hair loss problems simply accept their condition and try to hide it. The only way you can truly treat and reverse your condition is to attack it at the source. You need to attack the cause of your hair loss, not just try to mask the symptoms.

EIGHT. CLEAN UP YOUR CARRIER HEART. As you may have heard, there's a reason that olive oil is so good for your skin: it's a great natural cleanser. Unfortunately, it's just as effective for your scalp as it is for your skin. Use it to cleanse away any excess dirt that's in your scalp, as well as to reduce the amount of sebum your scalp produces.

NINE. CONGRESSIONS. Most people associate alopecia areata or slow hair loss with genetics - but it doesn't have to be that way. Did you know that there are several common medical conditions that can cause your scalp to produce more oil than it should?

Eighty. Not just any old "eight" can do it. There are only 8 natural substances that will really work to support your hair and help to heal your scalp. All of the oils and treatments we've talked about here are safe and all-natural, and they all have strong potential to stop your hair loss.