Eating Habits - Do You Seek Comfort in Food? It's easy to look at the words of a food journal, and wonder what on earth people are talking about when they say comfort eating. It seems that the definition of this word is very vague and perhaps even non-existent in some cases. I would, however, like to offer some clarification here in this article, as it pertains to people who seek comfort from food, whether it be due to illness, or for some other emotional reason.

Comfort eating, also known as emotional eating, is when you fill your body with foods that do not provide you any real nutritional value but rather fill you up so that you find it hard to move. It's not a very good idea and can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies if left unchecked. These are not simple carbohydrates but are actually refined sugars. Foods like white rice, white bread, and white sugar can contribute to this problem. However, there are other foods that should not be part of your comfort zone, and that are just as unhealthy.

Sugar is one that many people seem to turn to when they are in a pickle, and it can cause a lot of harm to your health. It is not generally considered comfort food, but it certainly can be. It causes a drop in insulin levels and is, consequently, highly likely to cause diabetes. This, of course, increases the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and other health problems.

The refined carbohydrates that are found in processed food can also have an effect on your eating habits. Many people will grab a candy bar to calm their nerves or overcome their boredom. While the candy may provide some temporary relief, in reality, it will do you no good at all. Sugar will eventually cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, which can result in obesity, and in turn, affect your overall health.

When you make a habit of keeping a food journal, you will soon see that your eating habits are closely connected to your mood. Moods tend to follow patterns, and so if you notice that you eat a particular type of food at a particular time, it may be an indicator that you need to reevaluate your habits. Are you eating too much, too little, or taking in an inconsistent amount of food? If so, you may need to alter your diet.

Keeping a food journal is only one aspect of healthy eating habits. It will help you determine what your ideal weight is and how to maintain it. Healthy eating habits are influenced by the amount of exercise that you get, and the quality of the food you eat. Eating healthy can also involve portion control and stress management techniques.

As you begin to evaluate your eating habits, you will find that you have many opportunities to change your behavior. Rather than eating out at restaurants every couple of nights, and buying food from the frozen aisle in the supermarket, you can prepare healthy meals at home. You can avoid snacking between meal times, and you can make healthy snacks that your family enjoys.

In many cases, simply making a few changes to your eating habits will lead to positive results. For instance, if you eat out on a regular basis, consider whether you could make a different choice. If you're used to eating at fast food places, ask your server for a healthier alternative. You may even want to consider eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet entirely. By making small changes to your eating routine, you can make significant improvements in your overall health.