In the last two decades, we have seen a huge increase in the diagnoses of diseases that affect the intestines such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, Celiac Disease, and functional gastrointestinal disorders. What has also increased dramatically is the number of people suffering from these digestive disorders. This has been attributed to an increase in the saturated fats consumed today, which in turn promote the development of the diseases we just mentioned. It is also believed that stress has also played a significant role in both the increase of these diseases and the disorders associated with them.

One of the first functional disorders to become widely recognized was irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. This afflicts approximately 20% of the population at some time in their lives. It is characterized by abdominal pain, altered bowel movements, stress and anxiety. It can be diagnosed based on the presence of distressing gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, or bloating. When not treated, the symptoms of IBS can become so severe that it becomes debilitating.

Another of the recent functional disorders to the surface was recognized as a twisted colon. This condition is becoming more prevalent in the western world as a result of an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. The primary symptom of a twisted colon is abdominal discomfort and pain when trying to defecate. Other symptoms may include a feeling of fullness even after relatively small amounts of food are eaten, a low-grade fever and a constant, nagging need to go.

Other highly popular Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder treatments are ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease (chronic inflammation of the large intestine), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diverticular disease of the intestines. Ulcerative colitis affects the colon and rectum where the inflammation results in ulcers, cramping, and bloody bowel movements. IBS and irritable bowel syndrome both affect the large intestine, while the diverticular disease of the intestines affects the small intestine. Distressful to many patients, IBS is characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and rectal bleeding. IBS is also associated with depression and stress.

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that results in ulcerations, inflammation, and diarrhea. It is also known to be the cause of a form of cancer known as intestinal adenocarcinoma. This disease causes rectal and stomach ulcers, painful diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea and rectal bleeding. Ulcerative colitis is an acute inflammatory bowel disease that is associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. IBS is also associated with depression, stress and bowel disorders.

Other potential IBS treatments are modifications of diet and symptom management. Diet modifications may include avoidance of products that can irritate the intestines such as caffeine and wheat products. Stress management is essential in managing stress-related diarrhea and constipation. Stress can result from the inability to eliminate toxins from the body or other emotional factors such as worry, anxiety and unresolved emotional issues. IBS and other digestive system disorders are often symptoms of a more serious underlying health problem.

Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatments like surgery, medication and change in diet may provide symptomatic relief but do not address the root cause of the problem. For example surgery for Crohn's disease involves repair of the ulcerative colitis. However, this will have no effect on symptoms experienced with IBS. Medication such as ibuprofen can alleviate diarrhea but has no effect on ulcerative colitis.

There is no cure for IBS, but there are treatment options available to help manage the symptoms of IBS and other digestive system disorders. Changing dietary habits, exercise, medications, stress management and diet are effective treatments for IBS. Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatments are available to treat the cause of the disorder, not the symptoms. Holistic health is the best way to prevent the development of ulcerative colitis or other digestive diseases.