Mint Julep, also known simply as a Mint Julep, is the best known of all known cocktail variations in the world today. Mint Julep has become an international phenomenon and remains the most popular drink for weddings and celebrations in the United Kingdom. Mint Julep can be traced back to the early nineteenth century when it was originally called Mint Julep. The name was suggested by the habit of mint juice being poured over the ice prior to a toast, as a means to keep the ice from melting. This method was used by British Army officers during the Boer War.
Mint Julep, or simply mint juleps, are very popular in the United Kingdom, particularly in England, where they are referred to as "patrons' drinks". Mint juleps can be traced back to the early nineteenth century when it was first called just Mint Julep. The name was later changed to "mint juleps" and eventually to "highball glasses" (a name which has stuck). Eventually, as the popularity of these cups spread throughout the rest of the world, the name "highball glasses" became synonymous with all other variants.
Mint Julep, traditionally, is a blended alcoholic beverage, containing mostly whiskey, vermouth, lemon juice, and ice. As a traditionally-minded cocktail, it's associated with the American South, with its focus on southern cuisine and the rich southern heritage of the United States. In some parts of England, however, it's more common to use a "metropolitan" style of the dry martini, incorporating many different ingredients and spirits into the drink. The term "julep" simply describes the glasses used to serve this beverage.
For the most common version of mint julep, all that is required is that you follow one of two simple recipes. The first method uses an old-fashioned recipe of mixing a small amount of lemon juice and whiskey, a few ice cubes, and a little sugar or liqueur. This drink can be spiced up by adding ginger ale or another flavor like lemon zest. It can also be enjoyed with a little whiskey, a lemonade syrup, and cream if you want to include a sweetener.
The second recipe for a good Mint Julep calls for the use of a good quality Martell bottle. You'll need approximately two ounces of whiskey, two ounces of lemonade syrup, approximately two ounces of ice, some scallions, some mint leaves, a measuring teaspoon and a fresh mint julep cocktail shaker. All you have to do is to take your martial bottle and crush its contents into a fine powder. Mix the powder with some sugar or cream if you want to add sweetness to your beverage.
When the ice is ready, pour the whiskey and lemonade mixture into a shaker. Then, take your mint julep and squeeze some fresh mint leaves behind the glass. Drop the mixture into the drink and mix it thoroughly. Then, serve and enjoy!
The second recipe for a good-tasting drink uses a very simple process. You'll only need approximately two ounces of alcohol, two ounces of ice cubes, and two fresh mint juleps in your glass. Make a mix of all three ingredients, shake them up thoroughly, and then add your whiskey. Shake the mixture well until the alcohol runs clear. Enjoy your classic mint julep.
Mint Julep recipes are so popular because they are both delicious and easy to make. As an added bonus, you can enjoy a drink that is made from less than $2 worth of supplies. If you're trying to save money, try making your own mint juleps with ingredients that are easily available at any grocery store. Whichever way you choose to make your Kentucky Bourbon Mint Julep, just remember how much fun you can have by making your own drinks.