Paloma de Pollo is a cocktail made from dry fruits. Typically this dry fruit drink is made by blending dry mint leaves, lemon juice and a slice of lime squeezed into a punch, then served over ice in a fluted glass. The Paloma de pollo can be found in many different variations, all using different mixes of fruits. Some use yogurt, while others use cheese.
"Paloma de Pollo" literally means "polla de polo", which means polo ball in Spanish. The origin of the drink is probably the Mediterranean, but today it is more commonly found in Mexico, especially in the poorer cities. "Paloma" comes from the Spanish words Pancho (ball) and Polla (grapefruit). In addition to being called the "poor man's cocktail", the word "palapa" means "poor."
The flavor of the drink may be compared to a combination of orange and grapefruit. It is said to be a memento of a memorable occasion, but it has also been said that mementos are always important for parties. This is why many people have a special metal bottle as a memento of their celebrations. For example, wedding parties have a set of glasses called pintos, each of which holds a piece of the wedding cake. The guests use these glasses to serve each other with the memento.
"Paloma de Pollo" is typically made from either Cavenha limejera or Cavenha Margosa tequilas. The tequilas are of two different styles, one is the larger sized Margara, while the smaller calaero style tequilas are called Palomas. Traditionally, the Margarita-style Mexican mezcal is red and is usually mixed with either peach juice or raspberry. Today you will find the Paloma variety available in many different colors and flavors.
Paloma de Pollo can be very easy to make. The basic recipe for the meal comes from the Mexican state of Veracruz. All you have to do is add macro (tequila) to a glass filled with water, stir until the juice has dissolved thoroughly. Then, add dry ice and lemon, if using.
Although there are no longer any federal regulations controlling the sale of this mezcal, it is still important to follow FDA requirements. Most palmas sold in the US contains a preservative known as vanillin, which is produced from a chemical known as a lignan, a key food additive. Vanillin is used to extend the shelf life of many foods, including margarita, grapefruit drink, and shot glasses. Since this preservative is a standard part of most American-made beverages, it is safe to assume that most burritos will also contain it.
Many variations of the traditional mezcal come from regions all over Mexico. There are versions that call for wheat flour and lime juice. Some include mangoes, cantaloupe and strawberries, while others use lime juice and sugar. There are even more exotic choices; however, such as ginger or cloves. If you prefer not to use sugar when making a Mexican palapa, you can omit it completely.
Paloma de Pollo is enjoyed all across Mexico and parts of Central America. In fact, it is so popular that it is the second most popular drink in Mexican cuisine behind the fizzy green beverage known as quenching. The good news for those who don't like grapefruit juices, lemonade, or milk-based beverages, because the flavor of the traditional meal is quite tasty when made with ordinary ingredients. It can be had with or without salt, depending on personal preference. Most people who enjoy the traditional meal, like it, ice-cold, but some do prefer it with milk and sugar. Either way, Paloma de Pollo is sure to satisfy your palette.