Male Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia conditions are serious because they cause significant distress to the sufferer. It may lead to malnutrition, dehydration, or even death. One out of every three men is at risk of developing an eating disorder, according to estimates. Some of these eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and hyperphagia. There are many warning signs of male eating disorders, and if you or someone you know exhibits any of them, seek help immediately.
Body image is a deeply held belief in men. A man believes that he is overweight because his body doesn't proportion to his height or age. Most men have a distorted view of their body size, and because of this, they avoid physical activity, which can increase the body's size.
According to some experts, there is a hormonal imbalance in men that can cause overeating. Testosterone is the primary male hormone that regulates energy and helps maintain muscle mass. If this hormone becomes imbalanced, the person can develop eating disorders. This happens because the body loses the ability to metabolize carbohydrates, fat, and protein correctly, which causes the body to gain weight.
Some symptoms of male eating disorders include becoming extremely lethargic, depressed, anxious, moody, and preoccupied with his appearance. Other symptoms include increased hair growth on the face, increased body fat, enlarged prostate, heart palpitations, diarrhea, and dizziness. Men who suffer from this condition often have poor concentration, insomnia, and nervousness. It can also result in high blood pressure. In extreme cases, the disease can be fatal.
Male eating disorders have specific symptoms, which include constant hunger, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, anger, frequent headaches, and constant pain in the bones. Symptoms of anorexia are lack of appetite, thirst, and an obsession with weight. Anorexia is usually diagnosed through behavioral techniques. Counseling and sometimes medication is used in treating this condition.
Anorexia is treatable if it is detected early. The treatment includes a change in lifestyle such as limiting food and exercising. Dietary supplements are also available for people who are struggling with this condition. Physical activity and regular exercise are recommended as part of the treatment for male eating disorders. Behavioral therapy is also used as treatment. This therapy usually helps the patient learn how to recognize his own thoughts and beliefs that are holding him back from having a normal relationship with food and other activities.
Treatment for male eating disorders can range from simple changes to his lifestyle to psychiatric treatments. Psychological counseling is an essential part of treatment since this disorder can have severe emotional and physical repercussions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients understand what they want out of life and how they can change their behaviors to achieve those goals. It teaches the patient how to face his problems by making him accountable for his own actions.
Males affected with male eating disorders may seek treatment at any time. Male patients should remember that the problem can be resolved if they only address the psychological issues related to it. A change in lifestyle may be necessary. Male patients suffering from this condition should keep a record of how much or what they eat and when they eat. Counseling sessions should be sought for coping mechanisms and learning how to overcome stress. Males treated for eating problems should be referred to a therapist for psychotherapy and/or counseling.
Male patients who are diagnosed with obesity or other eating problems should begin a weight loss program. A nutritious diet free of processed foods and sugar is ideal. Regular exercise can help to improve body composition and increase energy. Weight loss will improve the moods of patients and eliminate the frustrations of inadequate nutrition. Eating disorders should not be looked at as a necessary part of growing older.
Male patients should not be afraid to discuss any problems they have with a health care provider. Eating disorders should not be ignored or looked over because of their gender. Male patients should not feel embarrassed about talking about or admitting to having eating disorders. An open dialogue can save a life.
Eating disorders should never be taken lightly. Men should become more aware of their health conditions. All men should be educated on obesity, diet tips, healthy eating habits and healthy exercise. They should know the symptoms and risks involved. If a man is suffering from a condition that is causing him excessive pain or that greatly affects his quality of life, he should consult his doctor immediately.