Acne is a very common skin problem among teenagers and even adults. Acne is actually a disease of the skin, which results from a blockage in hair follicles. When oil (sebum) traps in the hair follicles, the blockage narrows the pore and thus causes inflammation (blackhead, pimple), which is the visible sign of acne. Acne is normally found on the face, neck, back, shoulders, chest, and upper arms. Teenagers are more prone to acne due to hormonal changes and imbalances during puberty.
An acne problem is not limited to males. Women too, get affected with acne. However, women generally have clear skin than men, hence acne may be more noticeable on them. Some women may also use certain cosmetics to conceal their acne, but this will only worsen the condition and may make the acne worse. Thus, for women, it is best to prevent acne from occurring at all.
Teenagers may experience acne due to several reasons. The main reason is hormonal imbalance in the body, which may happen due to imbalances in sex hormones (in boys) or during pregnancy (in girls). These hormonal changes can affect the sebaceous glands located beneath the skin surface. The sebaceous glands produce sebum, which lubricates and protects the hair follicles.
The skin becomes clogged with dead skin cells, which provides a perfect environment for bacteria to grow. If the pores are clogged, bacteria may start to multiply within the pores, resulting in an acne breakout. Oil and dirt may also stick onto the skin surface and start collecting at the acne spots, causing more irritation and inflammation. In such a case, it is best for the teenager to wash his or her face frequently to remove the excess oil, dirt and makeup. Regular washing will help prevent acne from worsening.
Teenagers who drink and smoke may encounter acne problems. Research has shown that teens who drink a lot of soda have more acne problems than teens who don't drink coffee or tea. Smoking can also increase the production of testosterone in the body, which can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Therefore, teenagers who smoke should try to stop this habit to reduce the risk of acne. They may also want to consult a doctor for advice.
Pregnant women are also advised to take good care of their skin. During pregnancy, the body tends to produce more oils, which may clog the pores and lead to acne. The hormones of the mother contribute to the production of certain hormones in the body. The increased production of hormones may explain why some pregnant women experience acne during their early pregnancy years. However, research is still being conducted to identify the exact reasons.
Teenagers can also avoid acne by maintaining a healthy diet. Eating junk food and greasy food is not good for the body, as it leads to imbalances in the hormones of the body. Teens should also try to keep their bodies hydrated to prevent them from experiencing dry skin and dehydration. Drinking lots of water can help to flush out toxins from the body, which can reduce the risk of acne. A healthy lifestyle can promote an acne-free life for teenagers.
Some teenagers may also use acne products that contain harsh chemicals to get rid of acne. Acne medications that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide may cause dryness and irritation to the skin. In order to minimize the effects of these chemicals, teens should limit their exposure to these chemicals as much as possible. Teenagers should also get advice from their parents and dermatologists to determine the best acne medication for their skin type. It may be helpful for teenagers to get advice from a dermatologist or other qualified medical practitioner before trying any new acne product or treatment.