There are 3 things you want to know about cholesterol and cholesterol levels. All of them are important to keep your health in good shape, and none of them are the enemy of your health, in most cases. They are classified as "fat-soluble" molecules, and they have to be processed differently than the "fast" or "slow" cholesterol that we have. They can only be broken down a certain way if they are exposed to oxygen, and they cannot form a complex cluster with another form of the molecule in it when they are in the bile. The question is, what can you do to lower your level so it does not go too high?
Most people have heard of the word "cholesterol". It is used all the time to describe foods that are high in cholesterol, though not everyone is aware that cholesterol itself is not a bad ingredient. Cholesterol is called such because it has two different types, one that is a lipoprotein and one that is called "cholesterol". The word "cholesterol" comes from the Greek word for testicles.
When your body breaks down fat, the testicles of the sperm are exposed to fats. This fat penetrates the body, where it hangs around until released. In many ways, this fat is the body's waste product, and it is what you need to be getting rid of. Unfortunately, there are many different pollutants in the environment today that react with fat and produce other toxins. The result is that your body accumulates excessive amounts of "dissolved" fats, which are also known as "fats", and this is what causes high cholesterol levels.
As well, there are other hormones that come from the environment that also interact with fat and cause your body to have high levels. You need to be careful to avoid environmental chemicals that mimic estrogen. Also, high levels of "fats" can be caused by your genetic makeup. If you have a genetic predisposition for high cholesterol, then you are going to get high levels of fat in your body. However, there are many people in the world who eat a low-fat, nutrient-dense diet and do not have these problems.
Here are some things that you probably don't know about "fats". For example, some vegetable oils actually contain trans-fats, which is the wrong kind of fat. They are partially hydrogenated vegetable oils that have been changed from their natural state. When you buy vegetable oil, choose the brand that contains "essential" fats, such as those found in raw nuts. These oils have been stripped of their nutrients, so they are low-fat and high-sugar.
There are many kinds of "bad fats", as well. One of them is called saturated fat. As you probably know, saturated fats increase your cholesterol levels. The other type of bad fat is "trans-fat". This is different from saturated fats because it contains no essential fat. The main reason that we are worried about "cholesterol" is because it has two parts, a substance known as lipoproteins, and a substance called "cholesterol".
What you want to do, if you want to reduce your risk of heart disease or even cancer, is to remove foods from your diet that contain high levels of saturated fats. But, what about those foods that have high "good" cholesterol? Don't worry! Those can still be included in your diet, provided you choose them in moderation. For instance, olive oil is considered a "good" fat.
Now that you understand all of the different kinds of cholesterol and cholesterol, you will be able to make better food choices. Just remember to use the low-fat alternatives whenever possible. And, of course, always make sure to eat a well-balanced diet and get plenty of exercises.